Im Theater Akzent

The Wave


Besuch im Theater Akzent

Am 7. April besuchte die 3HS eine Vorstellung von "The Wave" im Theater Akzent (inklusive Morgenspaziergang). Der Fast-schon-Klassiker - diesmal als Theaterstück! Die American Drama Group ist in Europa unterwegs.

Kommentar einer Schülerin: "Wir sollten öfter ins Theater gehen!"
Director's notes / Description:THE WAVE is an extraordinary novel that has had a huge impact in Europe over the last thirty years. It explores the nature of fascism and the appeal of mass movements through the true-life story of a Californian High School which began an experiment in the 1960's that rapidly ran out of control. The production will be the first theatrical dramatisation of the original in English and allows us to explore these complex and fascinating themes in a dynamic and accessible piece of theatre. THE WAVE goes beyond mere polemic and our production will do the same, drawing on the iconic culture of 1960's America and the familiar world of the US High School to draw the audience into a dilemma that is sadly all too relevant in our troubled times.

"Be careful who you follow because you never know where they will lead you."
(adapted for the stage by Paul Stebbings)(

Text: Andrea Wingelhofer
Fotos: Caritas Ausbildungszentrum